Daniel Bryan recently spoke with Brian Fritz of SportingNews.com while promoting his new autobiography “YES! My Improbable Journey to the Main Event of WrestleMania.” He talked about what Vince McMahon thinks of him and more. You can read some highlights below and check out the full thing HERE.

BF: Do you with everything you’ve done that you’ve won over Vince McMahon?

DB: You know, yes but I don’t know to what degree. You know what I mean? Does he think I should ever main event another WrestleMania? I would say probably not. (laughs) It’s interesting. I think he likes me, he sees me as a valuable performer. He sees me as someone who makes the company money. But I still don’t think he will ever see me as “the guy” in the way he sees John Cena as “the guy” or in the way he potentially sees Roman Reigns as “the guy”. To this day, I still don’t think he sees me like that.

BF: Were you surprised about the comments — I’m not sure if you saw them or not — from Bret Hart when he spoke with Sports Illustrated and he said “he’s got the same kind of injury that I had and I don’t think he’s ever going to wrestle again”?

DB: I wasn’t surprised. But different people have different circumstances. His circumstances were different from my circumstances. It’s just one of those things where people only know their own reality. That goes for me, it goes for you, it goes for anybody. If you think you know what somebody else is going through, odds are you probably don’t. So, it doesn’t hurt my feelings he said that. I just think he doesn’t know the situation.